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  • 2020.01.06
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Science Japan Meeting 2020日本の科学の未来を創る 会議のご案内

Science Japan Meeting 2020 日本の科学の未来を創る
Japan & Science AAAS: For the Future of Science and Innovation in Japan 
Career Development for young researchers

2018年9月、東京アメリカンクラブで開催しました第1回Science Japan Meetingに引き続き、2020年3月、日本科学未来館にて第2回Science Japan Meetingを開催します。
米国科学振興協会 (AAAS)、Science/AAASからはPublisherのBill Moran氏、Visiting ScholarのKei Koizumi氏を招き、日本からはDr. Mary Voytek氏(Executive Director, Earth-Life Science Institute)、Dr. Christophe Weber氏(President and CEO of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.)にご講演をいただきます。若手研究者からの研究紹介なども交え、若者が担い創造する科学の未来への提言を行います。参加者は、Scienceおよびその姉妹誌に論文が掲載された研究者の皆様や、科学振興に努めておられる方々を予定しています。

  • 名称:  Science Japan Meeting 2020Science-AAAS-stacked-color.jpg
  • テーマ :日本の科学の未来を創る:若手研究者の育成
    For the Future of Science and Innovation in Japan - Career Development for Young Researchers
  • 日程: 2020年3月5日(木)13:00~17:35
  • 会場 : 日本科学未来館



Bill Moran氏
Publisher of Science Family of Journals, AAAS

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Title: The Future of Science and Society Starts with You

Kei Koizumi氏
Visiting Scholar in science policy, AAAS


We know science makes the future happen, but science today and tomorrow requires more than experiments and publishing the results. We all face the challenge of connecting science to the challenges we face as a global society. I'd like to talk today about how I've worked with Science and AAAS to connect science to society and offer some ideas to my Japanese colleagues from my own experience. I'll talk about how I've worked at AAAS to connect scientists to policymakers and science to policy, how I've worked at several institutions to connect scientific advice to informing important decisions, how effective science communication increases the impact of research, and how we can all work together to make science a welcoming environment for everyone. We have so many difficult challenges such as a warming planet, aging societies, and environmental pollution that everyone has to participate in making science part of the solution. Whether we are early-career scientists or policy makers, Japanese or American, researchers or communicators, we can work together to improve science and society.


Title: Being a Scientist in a Dynamic World: Challenges and Strategies

Mary Voytek氏
Executive Director, Earth-Life Science Institute and Executive Director, ELSI and Advisor to the President at Tokyo Institute of Technology

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What does it take to be a successful scientist in the modern world?
What is the current landscape of funding?
How do scientist engage in interdisciplinary research or research in emerging fields when much of your training is in conventional scientific disciplines?
How can early career scientists and engineers work with the best in the field and gain the global connections that have become an essential aspect of science?
What is the diversity of career tracks for PhD students and postdocs after they complete their training and how can you prepare for them?
These and other questions will be discussed.


Flash Talk 1:



Flash Talk 2:

Title: Movement in plants

中村匡良氏 Masayoshi Nakamura
名古屋大学トランスフォーマティブ生命分子研究所 特任講師
Designated Lecturer, Institute Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University

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As a sessile organism, plants need to adapt rapidly to unstable environmental conditions. Unlike animals and birds, plants cannot move away from danger. According to the lifestyle of plants they must have exquisite sensory systems and efficient communication systems, and consequently respond to environmental stimuli by changing how they grow. For example, when a seed germinates in the dark, the embryonic stem grows rapidly to push the first leaves out of the soil and toward the light to support photosynthesis. The growth movement of a plant depends to a great extent on the shape of cells. How the movement in plant is controlled will be introduced with our latest finding.


Title: 若手研究者に向けて

Christophe Weber氏
武田薬品工業株式会社 代表取締役社長 兼チーフ エグゼクティブ オフィサー(CEO)

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  • 主催: 株式会社アスカコーポレーション
  • 共催: 米国科学振興協会(AAAS)
  • 後援: 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)
  • 後援: 一般社団法人 産業競争力懇談会(予定)
  • 協賛: ユサコ株式会社 
  • 参加人数 150名程度



Science Japan Meeting 2020





株式会社アスカコーポレーション Science Japan Sales Representative
谷美雪 / 吉川智恵美
TEL: 06-6202-6272 E-mail:
